Cerious Software This Week's Windows Me/98 Pick!

My registration code is not working when I try to install the registered version.

Please make sure you are entering the user name, registration code and number of users exactly as this information appears on your license letter mailed with the software or in the e-mail sent to you after your order was processed:

Name: {enter your name exactly as it appears here}
Code: {enter your registration code exactly as it appears here, it is case sensitive}
Users: {enter the number of licensed users exactly as it appears here}

If any of this information is entered differently than how it appears in your license letter or e-mail, the software will continue to run as the trial version. The trial version of version 6 will enable with the registration information. To enable the trial version, open the program and go to Help | Enter Registration Info...

For versions released before version 6, the number of users is not relevant.

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I can't find where to enter my registration code in the trial version.

To enable the trial version, open the program and go to Help | Enter Registration Info... This information is relevant only for ThumbsPlus version 6. Older versions require that you reinstall with the registered installation file as the trial version of v3, v4 and v5 do not enable with a registration code.

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Can I install the registered version in the same folder as the trial version?

You can install the registered version in the same directory as the shareware, and it will update the shareware while maintaining all of your thumbnails and settings. You will not lose any work you have already done.

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Do I need to run the ODBC update during the installation?

The ODBC drivers are a standard on any Windows OS. They are Access drivers that ThumbsPlus employs to run the Access database we use in the program. This install only updates the existing drivers to the latest ODBC release. If you are uncomfortable with running the update, then don't. The program can run fine without it....we just suggest this as it is always best to run the latest ODBC drivers. You can always run it later if you start experiencing problems.

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