Cerious Software This Week's Windows Me/98 Pick!
Function SQL Statement
Files with no keyword not exists (select idKeyword from ThumbnailKeyword where ThumbnailKeyword.idThumb = tn.idThumb)


tn.idthumb not in (select distinct idThumb from ThumbnailKeyword)


not exists (select idthumb from thumbnailkeyword tk inner join keyword kw on tk.idkeyword = kw.idkeyword where kw.keyword = 'KEYWORD' and tk.idthumb = tn.idthumb)

Any files with keywords exists (select idKeyword from ThumbnailKeyword where ThumbnailKeyword.idThumb = tn.idThumb)
Search between two dates tn.file_time < ^udate(2000/06/05) and tn.file_time > ^udate(1999/01/02)


tn.file_time >= ^udate(2001-03-01) and tn.file_time <= ^udate(2002-04-15)

The SQL "between" operator also works, so:

tn.file_time between ^udate(2001-07-01) and ^udate(2001-07-31)
All files thumbnailed since date tn.thumbnail_time >= ^udate(2002/10/1)
All files modified or saved since date tn.file_time >= ^udate(2002/10/1)
Test for a range of dates
For example, to find all files thumbnailed in October 2002.
tn.thumbnail_time >= ^udate(2002/10/1)
tn.thumbnail_time <= ^udate(2001/10/31)
Annotation tn.annotation like '%your info here%'
Thumbsnails with only one specific keyword Select the keyword to look for in the keyword search page of ThumbsPlus, select AND as the combination method of the sub-dialog pages and put the following SQL phrase

(select count(*) from thumbnailkeyword kw where kw.idThumb = tn.idThumb) =1

in the advanced search dialog page.
Exact duplicate images within T+ database tn.idthumb in (select distinct a.idthumb from thumbnail as a, thumbnail as b where a.idthumb <> b.idthumb and a.checksum = b.checksum)
Empty annotations field tn.annotation not like '%'
Annotations field has entry tn.annotation like '%'
All thumbnails not in a gallery tn.idThumb not in (select gt.idThumb from GalleryThumb gt)
Find all files in more than one gallery (select count(*) from GalleryThumb gt where gt.idThumb = tn.idThumb) > 1
Search for file name by path exists (select*from path where path.name like '%testing%' and path.idPath = tn.idPath)
Keyword search tn.idthumb in (select distinct idthumb from thumbnailkeyword tk where
tk.idkeyword = (select idkeyword from keyword where keyword = 'Mom')) and
tn.idthumb not in (select distinct idthumb from thumbnailkeyword tk where
tk.idkeyword = (select idkeyword from keyword where keyword = 'Dad'))
More Information
Probable dupes tn.idthumb in
  (select distinct a.idthumb
     from thumbnail as a, thumbnail as b
     where a.idthumb <> b.idthumb
       and a.name = b.name
       and a.filesize = b.filesize
File names that include unusual characters tn.name like '%[%]%.JPG'
or tn.name like '%[~]%.JPG'
or tn.name like '%[;]%.JPG'
or tn.name like '%[^]%.JPG'
or tn.name like '%[[]%.JPG'
or tn.name like '%[]]%.JPG'
All photos, excluding offline volumes, not included in a particular gallery tn.idPath not in
(select p.idPath from Path p, Volume v
where tn.idPath=p.idPath
and v.idVol = p.idVol
and v.filesystem = 'CDFS')


tn.idPath not in
(select p.idPath from Path p, Volume v
where tn.idPath=p.idPath
and v.idVol = p.idVol
and v.filesystem = 'CDFS')
and tn.idThumb not in
(select gt.idThumb from GalleryThumb gt, Gallery g
where g.idGallery = gt.idGallery
and g.Name = 'The Name Of My Unwanted Gallery Goes Here')

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